
Celebrating Ten Years of Ministry

In 2010, we saw our tenth year in ministry. We never dreamed what God had in store for us when we created Team Impact. Over the course of that decade, Team Impact has seen millions of lives changed, spoken in thousands of schools and held events in thousands of churches.

Our television show, Team Impact, is seen in over 160 countries worldwide on the TBN television network, where people around the world are touched by the Gospel.

Each week, Team Impact partners with local churches around the globe, bringing a message of hope and salvation to communities large and small, urban and rural.

Anniversary Dinner Co-Hosted by Dallas Cowboys Players

To celebrate our ten years, several Dallas Cowboys, including Tony Romo, Jon Kitna, Keith Brooking, and Terence Newman joined hands with Team Impact to bring awareness and help raise support for our ministry efforts.

We had a fantastic time as pastors, ministry leaders and supporters of Team Impact gathered at the Dallas Cowboys Golf and Country Club for fellowship and to raise support for Team Impact ministry and humanitarian efforts.

A Great Evening with Great People. Thanks to all who participated.