How To Know God
All of us have questions that seem unanswerable, such as: "What's my reason for being here?", "Is there happiness and joy that's real?" or "What's the meaning of life?".
Inside these complex questions is an answer so simple and so easy to obtain that it can be explained right here. The links on this page take you to Bible verses that God has given us to lead us on our journey with Him.
The Void
Being at peace with God is not automatic, because by nature you are separated from God. The Bible tells us that the things we've done wrong have separated us from Him and our sins have hidden His face from us so that He will not hear.
This separation is the void that is at the root of our selfishness, loneliness, and dark feelings. Through our actions, as harmless as they may seem, thoughts and attitudes, we continue to grieve God even though He cares for us most and wants a relationship with us. This includes ALL of us from birth, no one was born a Christian and no one can ride on their parents or grandparents relationship with Jesus.
Deep down inside, you may know this is true and you feel this void we're talking about. This has caused a split between us and the One Who made us and loves us. This split is called sin.
The Answer
In order for God to repair the broken relationship (sin) between Himself and us, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus to the World. Jesus was God become flesh, living here on Earth. He lived a perfect life of truth and love.
Even though none of us deserved it, Jesus gave His own life to repair our broken relationship with God. The Bible says that Jesus was killed on a cross, suffering the death we deserved, but that He was raised from the dead three days later. Because of what Jesus did, our relationship with God can be restored, thus filling the void we have. The Bible calls what Jesus did for us a gift. It's God's grace and mercy that extends this gift to us.
Receive the Gift
Like any gift, we have to accept it in order to have it. How do we accept it? The Bible tells us there's only one-way: Confess & Believe. If you want to receive the Gift of God's salvation and forgiveness for your sin in order to spend an eternity with Him in Heaven, then pray this simple prayer of salvation:
- Dear Heavenly Father, I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. I'm sorry for the things I've done wrong and I ask You to forgive me. Jesus, I believe you died on a cross to take the punishment I deserve and You rose again, proving You are God. Thank you for restoring my relationship with You. Be my Lord and be my Savior. Give me the power to turn away from my sins and embrace the full life you offer me. From this day forward, I will live for You and serve You. AMEN.
If you prayed this prayer and believed in your heart that Jesus is Lord, then you are saved from aneternal separation from God (hell).
"Now what do I do?" you ask. As Christians, God wants us to be the best we can be and for us to fellowship with other believers (church). He also wants us to be baptized and read the Bible. In fact, if you prayed that prayer of salvation,Team Impact wants to give you a New Testament Bible to help you start your journey with God. Simply just send us an email telling us about your decision to become a Christ Follower with your name and address or write to us at:
- Team Impact
- PO Box 1930
- Coppell, TX 75019
We will send you some more information on living the life God wants you to live along with your New Testament. We're so excited for you and know that God has a great plan for your life.